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Kent TN13 2DE
Tel. 01732 455880

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Plant Security


Due to the continual rise in equipment theft, Rawstone Hire has invested in a number of Anti-Theft systems, particularly for its fleet of Mini Excavators. There are currently three main systems in use today.

Kubota (Anti Theft Plus) System, if fitted to all Kubota Models, excluding U10 1Ton Mini Excavator. The Kubota system is based on an individually programmed ignition key which is linked to a state of the art immobiliser system. This system is connected to the machines electrical, fuel and hydraulic system and incorporates physical guarding on key components such as the starter motor. The Kubota system is fully Thatcham approved and no machine fitted with this advanced system has been stolen in the UK to date.

Kubota Security Press Release


Rawstone Hire has invested in the Kosran Anti-Theft system on the smaller Mini Excavators along with other machines which are considered a particular risk to equipment theft. The Kosran system is based on a proven, highly advanced immobiliser system which is operated by a simple keypad system. The basic operator instructions are as follows:

  1. Turn the ignition switch to the active position (Normally by turning it by just one position).
  2. Type the security code provided to each new hirer into the Kosran keypad and immediately press the ENT keypad button.
  3. Assuming that the correct code was entered, you will hear a click from the control panel and the machine ignition lights will illuminate as usual.
  4. Then turn the ignition key to start the machine in the normal manner.
  5. Turn off the machine in the normal manner.
  6. If the machine is restarted within a few minutes, it will normally just start in the usual manner which just the ignition switch.
  7. If the machine is left switched off for more than a couple of minutes, the Kosran security code will need to be re-entered.
  8. If the operator enters the wrong security code, the machine would effectively believe that it is being stolen. In this situation the Kosran system would lock the machine immobilizer system down. In this situation the operator should leave the machine for a few minutes to allow the Kosran system to re-set. The more times the wrong code has been entered, the longer the system would take too re-set. This could take in some cased up to 30 minutes. Where the system has been locked out, the red and green light would illuminate together on the Kosran keypad.

Kosran Anti-Theft Products


Other security systems are used on Rawstone Hire equipment, the majority of which work with an anti-theft security fob which is normally attached to the machine ignition key. Providing the security fob is very close to the receiver which is normally near the machine ignition switch, the machine should start in the normal manner.