Ivy Mill Lane
Surrey RH9 8NS
Tel. 01883 744022
50 London Road
Kent TN13 2DE
Tel. 01732 455880
Delivery Service Available
7am-5pm - Monday to Friday
Closed - Satuday
Breaking News - Welcome To The New, Information Filled RAWSTONE HIRE Website
Ivy Mill Lane
Surrey RH9 8NS
Tel. 01883 744022
50 London Road
Kent TN13 2DE
Tel. 01732 455880
Delivery Service Available
7am-5pm - Monday to Friday
Closed - Satuday
Rawstone Hire firmly believes that the days of bashing steel pins in and out to change excavator buckets are long gone. In addition to this, this practice is considered dangerous, time consuming, dirty and is some cases can require two people to complete this operation. This is especially important when changing from buckets to Hydraulic Breakers which are also fitted with the same user friendly system quick-hitch system.
Rawstone Hire has therefore invested considerable sums upgrading and purchasing all Excavators with simple to use, quick and safe bucket change Quick-Hitch systems. After using our machines with these attachments, why go back to the old ways of using the "Club Hammer" to change buckets.
Rawstone Hire currently uses two different type of quick-hitch system.
Fitted to all machines up to 5 Ton, even down to the small 1Ton Micro Excavators. The Klac system is based on dedicated buckets which are fitted with the standard Klac hanger. To change a bucket or an attachment like a Hydraulic Breaker of Earth Auger the operator first need to extend the excavator arm straight out almost in the horizontal position. The operator then locates the special Klac pin spanner into a dedicated hole in the Klac Quick-Hitch The spanner in then pulled downwards to release the bucket or attachment. Klac spanners are normally stored in a locked compartment under the excavator seat or alternatively in a groove at the bottom of the ROPS frame adjacent to the operators foot well.
To attach Buckets, Breakers and Earth Augers locate the pins on the Excavators Klac Quick- Hitch under the rear hanger of the Klac Bracket. Then carefully lift the machine arm and crown the bucket to the forward position. Once the Quick-Hitch has closed, you will hear a distinctive click when the securing latch has secured. The excavator can then be used in exactly the same manner as a normal bucket system.
Fitted to the larger Excavators from 8 Ton upwards. The Miller system is based on dedicated buckets and operated by a witch within the excavator cab. The operator locates the red toggle switch and lifts up the safety cover. After fully crowning the arm of the excavator, the operator engages the Quick-Hitch by flicking the switch. At this point a warning buzzer noise can be heard within the machine cab. The hydraulic ram within the Quick-Hitch will then open and the bucket can be realised.
To attach buckets, re-position the front of the Quick-Hitch unit under the leading edge of the bucket or attachment, fully crown the arm of the Excavator and flick the Quick-Hitch switch. At this point the in cab buzzer with stop and the hydraulic ram on the Quick-Hitch should close. It may be necessary to slowly move the Excavator right hand control lever to the left to fully engage the Quick-Hitch. After checking that the Quick-Hitch safety bar is in the correct position, the machine is then safe to use in the normal manner.
Whilst using the Excavator, the operator should keep an eye on the red Quitch-Hitch safety bar to ensure that the system remains in safe order.